Simon came to me fed up of feeling fed up. Overweight and unhappy he needed to change. From day one he took control, worked hard, stayed disciplined and the results are remarkable. As you can see from the pictures below the physical change was dramatic but pales into insignificance compared to the mental shift. There is a lot to be said for taking ownership and committing to change and that is exactly what Simon has done. I am very proud of what he has achieved and will continue to achieve. This is a great read.
Like many others, I have had a yoyo effect with my weight for many years and just recently, it was more up than down. Something that I always kept telling myself I will sort out later and that later never really came. There was always a reason I couldn’t do it “now”. I had a naturally low self-esteem, I would keep my head down and hope people would not see me and would bottle up problems as I didn’t believe anyone could help or be interested in anything I had to say. All of this would then feed into more negative emotions which combined into a perfect storm of anger management issues, low self-esteem hitting an all-time high and my BMI ranking me as clinically obese. I was a broken person in many respects.
It is worth noting at this point, none of this was “my fault” There were external reasons why I was like this and my primary focus was on the weight as that was what made me feel bad about myself. I would later learn that it is not a case of “fault” and more to do with taking responsibility for yourself.
Early into 2020, I decided I really should do something about all of this. The strain on my relationships with my mood problems was becoming evident and I didn’t like the person looking back at me in the mirror, so I thought I should look into options available to me to shed some weight. Having been on several diet attempts with varying degrees of success, always reverting to old ways and piling the weight back on, with interest.

I had spoken to Iain a few times in the past whilst taking in the occasional bike ride with our local club and was aware of what he offered but as I previously said, none of this was my fault so I didn’t think I needed the help at the time and moved on with life. Now, at the beginning of 2020, I was at the stage I wanted to sort myself out, I realised I was not faultless in my situation but needed help getting out of it. I saw one of Iain’s adverts on Facebook and decided to make contact to see what would be involved. He got back to me pretty quickly with all the details I needed and left them with me to think about. There was no hard sell here, he offered the information I asked for and left me to decide what I wanted to do.
I decided to go with his 12-week course as this seemed to tick off more of the points I wanted to cover. I wanted to invest in getting myself into a good place and be able to maintain it afterwards, not having to go back to Iain in a years’ time in order to get myself fixed again. After completing a few forms which were easy enough to do, I had a good talk with Iain about where I was and what I wanted to achieve, he listens well and made me feel very at ease with the course and working with him. After that, we got started straight away.

Iain was always at the other end of the phone if needed and we had weekly reviews of progress. What Iain has done is not just a quick fix, he has given me all of the tools I need in order to take responsibility for myself (not thinking all of my woes are someone else’s fault) and be able to make positive, sustainable changes to my lifestyle. I started off just wanting to lose weight and keep it off which is currently looking good, I went from 13st 12lbs down to 12st 2lbs. Along the way I learned that I had been carrying around a lot of mental weight that I needed to shed in order to be the person I wanted to be and I cannot thank Iain enough for setting onto a path of self-discovery and success. My wife has noticed a positive change in me and our relationship has never been stronger. People I work with and for have noticed a more chilled out, capable me emerging and I can now look at myself in the mirror and feel content in the person I see looking back at me. These things you cannot quantify or measure but are very real results.
It is very important to remember that the benefits you get out of this are proportionate to the commitment you put in, there will be elements of self-reflection and analysis which can only be done by you but Iain will help along the way. Real life has thrown some serious curve balls at me during the 12 weeks, companywide redundancies currently in the pipeline being one of them and I was still able to keep my head up and stay on track so I know that the help Iain has given me is sustainable as we made small changes gradually.
If you have been thinking about doing something like this and never quite been sure or are worried about taking that step, contact Iain, you will not regret it. He is very good at what he does, I have seen others who have been helped by him and now stand amongst those who have benefitted from his experience and knowledge. Give him a call or drop an email